Learn to Drive. At Driving Legends NH our goal is for each student to gain confidence in the complex environment of driving.   Students spend 30 hours in the classroom and 10 hours in the car driving with Mr. Menendez. In addition, students are expected to practice driving with their parents at least 40 hours before testing with the DMV.

The circumstances that a driver can encounter on the road are endless. We prepare the students for what they will potentially encounter on the road using Scan, Identify, Predict, Decide and Execute techniques and place an emphasis on driving with safe habits, avoiding texting while driving, and being a good role model for younger siblings. The program curriculum includes:

-Rural, business, highway and city driving. Students will drive in 2 different NH cities.

Perpendicular and Parallel Parking and three point turns…using reference points for precision parking and stopping

Learning traffic rules and integrating them when driving

-Using signals, mirrors, and checking over the shoulder. Starting, stopping, driving in reverse. Contolling speed, managing turns, braking, getting on and off the highway, merging and lane changes

-Rotaries with one and two lanes

-Maneuvers to manage difficult intersections with limited visibility

-Night driving, driving under varying weather conditions (rain and snow) …awareness of pedestrians, cyclists on the road, and roadway hazzards etc.